JSesh Documentation

Getting the code

Getting the code

The preferred way is to use git, with the command:

git clone https://github.com/rosmord/jsesh.git

Normally, the master branch contains up-to-date and compilable code. It's the only one I would suggest to clone. Other branches are

  • production: ongoing fixes and small changes, which will be applied to the master branch. That's ongoing work, so don't expect it to compile all the time.
  • development: ongoing work for next version of JSesh
  • jfx-test: some work to see how to adapt JSesh to Java FX.

Compiling the code

run :

mvn install    

Before that, you might choose which version of JSesh you want to compile. Various releases are tagged. So, you might do something like

  git checkout release-5.3
    mvn clean install    

to compile JSesh version 5.3. all tags can be listed by typing

    git tag

If you want to run JSesh, the module is jseshAppli. The latest version of jsesh-installer provides two folders, one for Mac and one for Windows, with almost ready distributions - the end of the production-building is currently manual, see README.md at the root of the JSesh project.

When you have run mvn install, the Jsesh libraries are available in your own maven archive and you can use them for your projects.

Then, you can use the JSesh libraries in your program by referencing the in your pom.xml. For instance:


Note that, from JSesh 6.7 onward, the groupId will be changed to


in order to simplify maven repositories management (I want to be able to easily remove all old versions of JSesh with a simple rm on my computer)