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====== Transliteration ====== Editing transliteration should be a simple affair. After all, it only use a few alphabetic signs. Alas, it isn't. In the MdC, a simple, ASCII-based standard was used. But this standard requires special fonts, where "a" are not "a" but "ayin". Normally, Unicode should solve all those problems((as I have written elsewhere, I feel that Unicode for Hieroglyphs is a whole different business)). So, currently, JSesh proposes choices to the user. Your personal choice will depend on what you want to do with your texts. It's quite likely that unicode is needed for most publications, for instance((not for hieroglyphs. Publishers tend to ask for unicode here too, but tell them that unicode is not and won't ever propose a complete set of signs, by construction.)). You can choose the way transliteration will be dealt with from the Preference menu. ===== Not using unicode ===== You can select a font with a MdC-compatible encoding. In this case, JSesh does not deal with capital letters. ===== Using a unicode font =====

doc/en/transliteration.1316435413.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/12 14:14 (external edit)