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doc:en:overview [2011/09/17 10:42]
rosmord created
doc:en:overview [2022/01/11 10:18] (current)
dmorandi typo
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-Chapter 2. Overview of the JSesh Window +====== ​Overview of the JSesh Window ​====== 
-Soumis par Serge Rosmorduc le mer, 12/​31/​2008 ​13:06.+(pre-5.4 version)
-The jsesh window +{{ http://​​files_jsesh/​images/​Capture.img_assist_custom.png |The jsesh window}} 
-Currently, JSesh'​s working space contains a menu, a main editing window (the "​hieroglyphic window"​ above), and a number of fields. The field termed "​Manuel de Codage field" contains the Manuel de codage code for the current line of text (the one pointed by the cursor). You can modify directly this code ; the field termed "​current sign code" is used in interractive ​editing to show the code for the currently edited text.+ 
 +Currently, JSesh'​s working space contains a menu, a main editing window (the "​hieroglyphic window"​ above), and a number of fields. The field termed "​Manuel de Codage field" contains the Manuel de codage code for the current line of text (the one pointed by the cursor). You can modify directly this code ; the field termed "​current sign code" is used in interactive ​editing to show the code for the currently edited text.
 the field directly right to it is a message field. It isn't of much use currently. the field directly right to it is a message field. It isn't of much use currently.
doc/en/overview.1316248967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/12 14:14 (external edit)