Table of Contents

Mouse Editing

Editing with the mouse is a very simple, but slow process. Usually, you will mix it with one of the two others.

Setting a cursor position

To set the current cursor position, simply click on the hieroglyphic panel.

Inserting signs with menus and palette

The faster way to insert signs is to use the keyboard [the section called “Keyboard editing”], and type either manuel de codage codes or translitteration. However, it is possible to select the signs from either a menu or from the sign palette

The Sign Button

The sign button only list the basic signs, from the usual Gardiner categories (with the extra category Ff for signs taken from hieratic. This category was used in the original Gardiner fonts). The sign button is placed in the lower part of JSesh windows.

The Sign Palette

The sign palette was created to propose a better solution than the menu. It can display all available signs without any problem, and it features advance search options.

To open the sign palette, use the menu Tools/Hide Show Hieroglyphic Palette.

The basic usage of the palette is quite simple: you select the family of signs you are interested in (using the dropdown list (b)), and then you double click on the sign you want to insert in the panel (e).

Not all signs are displayed (normally, the palette doesn't display variant signs). To display all signs from a family, check the “show all” box (h). If you click only once on a sign, the sign will be selected.Information about the sign (its code, its values, etc.) will be displayed in the panel (i). More information will be available if you select the “Sign Description” tab (a).

Please note that most information in JSesh is here for searching purposes. In particular, details about what the values means are not fully displayed. For instance, we use “bin” as a value for G37, but only because it is a convenient mnemonic. In reality, the internal format of JSesh allows to store more information about what the values are. Another example is Y1; for this one, we will keep the “sS” mnemonic, and add the probably better “sXA”. More scientific information on the sign will belong to the “Sign Description” (which is quite empty right now).

Sign Palette

Advanced controls
User palette

The user palette allows a user to compose his own list of prefered signs. Adding a sign in the palette is simple: you simply select the sign, and check the “user palette control” (f) in the bottom part of the palette. The content of the user palette is automatically saved, so you will get your palette back next time you start JSesh. Removing a sign from the palette is as simple as selecting it and unchecking the “user palette” control.

All signs selected for inclusion in the user palette will be displayed when the “user palette” special family is selected.

You can help

You will find a description of the files used by the palette as an appendix to this documentation. If you have a good knowledge of hieroglyphs, you can help improving JSesh by extending the informations it uses. Mail the author (serge.rosmorduc AT for more information.

Selecting a zone

The selection stands between the cursor, and what is called the mark. The whole selection is drawn in light blue. Some operations are possible only if a zone of text is selected.

To select a zone of text, you can use a number of ways :

Adding a sign chosen from a menu

The hieroglyphs menu gives access to the signs of the standard Gardiner list. Simply select a sign, and it will be added at the cursor position.

Grouping signs

This is done using the “Text manipulation” menu. You can group signs into vertical or horizontal groups, by selecting the signs (or quadrants), and choosing either “group horizontal” or “group vertical”. Note that you can break the groups with the menu “explode group”. All kinds of groups can be “exploded”.

“Group Horizontal” has the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl-h”

“Group Vertical” has the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl-g”


JSesh knows a number of “special groups”, or ligatures, which are beyond the capabilities of “square” quadrants. For instance, “w” and “t” will likely be arrange like that: . To achieve such a layout, select the signs you want to ligature, and use the menu Text manipulation/Ligature elements.

However, JSesh doesn't know how to ligature all groups, even though it knows some rather “sportive” ones: ligaturing gives .

Complex ligatures

Some ligatures can be considered as the ligature of a sign and a group.

Let's consider the group . It can be understood as a ligature between the sign and the group . Such ligatures can be built with the menus Text manipulation/Ligature group with hieroglyph or Text manipulation/Ligature hieroglyph with group. In the first case, the group is “in front” of the hieroglyph, in the second case (which corresponds to our example, the hieroglyph stands “in front of” the group.

For each sign, JSesh tries to find two areas. One for “front” ligatures, and one for “back” ligatures. Some sign have their “ligature area” already set. For other signs, it is computed automatically. To tell the whole truth, JSesh tries to see if it can fit a rectangle in the bottom-left area of signs (for left-to-right orientation). This area would be the “start” area. For the “end” area, two places are examined. First, the top-right corner of the signs (like in the ligature, and then a large area in the bottom left, like in the case. Signs creator can provide other areas, like in .

Please note that a sign can be ligatured at the same time with a group before it and with a group after it.

Editing groups

When you meet a very specific group, one-of-a-kind type, in which you want to place the signs exactly where you want, you can select the edit group menu entry. The edited group will be either the selected group, if there is a selection (overlined in blue), or the last group before the cursor, if there is no selection.

It will open the following window : The Group Editor

You will be able to move the signs, to scale them, and to rotate them. Note that scaling and rotations are triggered by two buttons. To move a sign, click on it and drag it where you want. To rotate or scale it, click and drag one of the small red boxes around the currently selected sign.