Table of Contents

Importing new glyphs

Choosing a folder for your signs

In order to be able to add new signs, you must first choose where they will be stored on your computer. To do this, simply select Tools/Edit Preferences In the “Font Selection” tab (currently the only one available), enter the folder you want to use in the “Hieroglyphic font directory” field. You should create an empty folder for this specific purporse.

Creating a folder

The Folder is Selected

You only have to do this once. Next invocations of JSesh will use this folder.

Actual sign insertion

To add new signs, you should import them from a file created with another software, and then assign new codes to the created signs. The sign importing interface can be started from the menu Tools/add new signs . Sign importing is done in two phases :

New signs importing interface

Importing drawings

Importing drawings is easy. JSesh can read: * true type fonts * .tml and bzr files, which can be created with JSesh's forerunner, tksesh. * SVG files

Simply click on the “import file” button, and select the file which contains your picture(s). You can use the navigation buttons (those with arrows) to browse the available signs.

Fine tuning your signs

In some cases, the size or orientation of your signs won't be correct. For instance, in the picture below, the duck is too large and its orientation is wrong.

Fine Tuning

You can correct this :

Attaching codes to drawings, and inserting them in JSesh

Once your sign is correct, it's time to give it a name. In a number of cases, JSesh will have guessed one, but this doesn't mean the sign has been registered in its list. Nothing is done when as long as you haven't pressed the insert button.

Except when you are creating signs which are already documented in the Manuel de Codage (for instance, because they are not available in JSesh), you should first get a user ID, which will differentiate your signs from the signs created by other users.

to get an uid, register as JSesh user. Note for tksesh users: the uid is simply your tksesh id.

Be carefull when giving signs a name. You want your files to be readable by anyone, so be faithfull to the “Manuel de codage”. Our current suggestions are the following:

We suggest that, if you create a sign with an “normal” gardiner code, you also give it an user sign code. This way, you will be sure to keep it even it a sign with this Gardiner code is later added to the software.

Note that for compatibility with tksesh, we also support arbitrary “user glyph codes”. These codes correspond to the codes tksesh gave to new signs. User glyph codes have the form UG id M mid N sid , where id, mid, and sid are numbers. Avoid using those codes for now.

Inserting the duck sign as UG1M2N0

When your sign is ready, click on the insert button.

Alternative system for sign insertion

If your sign SVG file has a name which corresponds to a code (say, US1A1VARA.svg), and the quadrant module is either 18px or 1800px, than you can simply put the sign in your hieroglyphic folder.