MS WORD : your mileage may vary! This is not Microsoft bashing, it's a simple constatation. JSesh exports its hieroglyphs as pictures, and word doesn't like them very much. To be honest, it depends on the version of Word. Recently (as of 2016), I had the pleasant surprise to see that RTF+EMF was now correctly handled by Word 2011 on the Mac. However, I have had many problems with Mac
OS versions of Word. Word 2008 tended to mix the pictures. Signs would appear in unexpected parts of the document. Later versions of Word on the Mac seem to have dropped Microsoft's own versions of its own format. In the latest versions of Word, the picture formats supported by the Mac
OS and Windows versions of Word
are not the same. Which means the files are not portable. A random quote from an angry user on : “
It is true that Microsoft seems generally to be against anything that would make printing documents on win & mac compatible. In addition to this problem, on Win you must use .emf for vector graphics, while on Mac, pdf. Its only the 11th version of Office.”